A horror-style setting appears in the hands of Animal Crossing players.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons recently celebrated its first anniversary, but the new version update did not significantly increase the game's popularity. Even if Nintendo adds new settings to make a healthy life simulation game spin in the sun, players will not be able to get enough Tom Nook and the gentle escape that accompanies island life. With Animal Crossing: New updates of new horizons come frequently. Therefore, new items will follow. Animal Crossing: The customization options in New Horizons are truly endless. This will show players a greater window of opportunity to showcase their taste and fashion. ACBellsBuy As a website for players, players can go to Buy Animal Crossing Bells with peace of mind. Because your player has recreated a scene in Ring Cosplay on his island, the scene may be cute and creepy. Although the success of many Animal Crossing: New Horizons usually depends on their release time, no one denies the universal appeal of the game. Except for a few pesky ...