Animal Crossing detailed version 12-18
Today's article is very interesting, welcome to continue reading. If your country often snows, then the festive season is also a good time to build a Snowboy. In this season, you can collect festive decorations to bring some festive magic to your island. However, before making these items, you will need some red, blue, and gold accessories. Unlike the snowflake season and the appearance of the Snow Boy in New Horizons, no matter where your country is, the holiday season appears at the same time. Throughout the holiday season, you can collect many holiday DIY recipes, and then you can use decorations to make these recipes.
How to find red, blue, and gold accessories in Animal Crossing? These decorations can be found by shaking cedars decorated with lights, but not every cedar has lights. So before shaking the pine tree, make sure it is the correct cedar tree. Just like acorns and pine cones, you cannot guarantee that you will be able to place decorations the first time you shake them, but if you keep trying and keep shaking the tree, you will eventually get decorations. One more thing, you also need to check the wasps first, otherwise, you may cause trouble. Shake the cedar tree decorated with lights to find decorations. Experience sharing, gold jewelry seems to be rarer than blue and red, so it may take longer to find them. No matter what kind of accessories can bring a festive atmosphere to your island.
In the process of finding items, players need to try multiple times, not every time will succeed, so finding items in Animal Crossing is a very time-consuming task. If you want to pursue the perfect decoration, it may take some time, but as long as you insist, you can complete the collection. If you are not familiar with Animal Crossing, our Animal Crossing New Horizons skills can help you understand the basics. From the beginning, there were fish and bugs, flowers and fruits everywhere, Leif sold seeds, villagers added or deleted them and tools such as new ladders. Every resident who unlocks the app can use it. Sometimes we will include a link to an online retail store, and if you click on one of them to make a purchase, we may charge a small commission. For more information, please click Animal Crossing Gold.
