Animal Crossing Winter Landscape Update 12-24

 On the official website of Animal Crossing, the company’s operators often update island games based on real-world news. The beginning of the story is to see the bushes, plants, and buildings with snow. A good idea started. Use snowballs to create a perfect snow boy. Players will receive special snow-themed DIY rewards.

In mid-to-late December, it started to snow globally. Players can lie on the bed, enter the island of dreams with the correct password, and visit the island. Players can now watch various snow scenes on Nintendo Island. ACNH items and Nook Miles tickets are sold in the ACBellsBuy store, you will have more entertainment in the game by buying Animal Crossing Items, and players can enjoy a better time.

Now, trees decorated with holiday lights are seen on many islands. You can shake these trees to seize the opportunity to capture various colorful decorations. Snowflakes also began to fall. These items can be collected from balloons floating in the air for DIY projects.

Some people may have missed some furniture or DIY items. Old players know what to do next. They can buy Nook Miles tickets from a store they trust. Based on fast delivery, the price is lower. Buying items will also make your game more exciting.



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