Collaboration between Animal Crossing and fashion clothing brand Puma

 Ever since the franchise started on Nintendo Gamecube, Fashion and Animal Crossing have been going hand in hand. The series has custom design flexibility, allowing fans to create a large number of stunning animal crossing costumes for their characters. Like Animal Crossing: New Horizons was a huge success after its release in March last year, a special fashion designer launched a series of new clothes.

Creativity and customization have always been one of the core aspects of animal crossing. The degree of freedom of the game's custom design system allows the animal to cross the player's freedom to express their creativity. In the game world, players can actively choose Buy Animal Crossing Items from ACBellsBuy to realize various ideas that cannot be realized in real life. Sportswear company Puma noticed this and began to actively use the unique creativity of players to actively develop the clothing industry.

Puma has previously revealed that it will collaborate with Animal Crossing. And will officially launch the Puma x Animal Crossing series. Both parties of their cooperation have common economic ideas and have had cooperation experiences before. Based on past data. Puma and Nintendo had previously collaborated on Mario-themed shoes. It was to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Super Mario Bros. series.  

This easy-going life simulation game has received universal praise. New Horizons inspired some of the most creative fans of the Animal Crossing series to create their masterpieces in the game. In the process of realizing self-creation, players will also choose Buy Animal Crossing Bells to improve their thinking and design. Nintendo uses its power to transform its enthusiastic player base into shrewd fashion designers.



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