Animal Crossing is preparing for the paid DLC service in advance
Once, the first paid DLC involved in Animal Crossing allowed players to build their dream vacation homes for their residents. Players make full use of their imagination to explore the island and design a unique and mysterious home for their favorite villagers.
In the DLC, players will visit the islands with Lottie and Paradise Planning teams. Players can also bring the islanders' holiday houses to life. Tom Nook can coordinate players with the new building and land developers. Players who want to build a more majestic house can first choose Buy ACNH Gold from the ACBellsBuy website. In addition to the normal design of the house, the player can also obtain some practical furniture, which can increase the fun of the interior.
Players can study carefully and unlock new design details. Details include adjusting the house lighting, adding atmospheric music, and creating noble walls and pillars for the house. If the player has a greater ideal. Players can also transform abandoned buildings left on the island, such as schools, restaurants, and hospitals.
All holiday homes designed by players will be saved in the Nook mobile app Happy Home Network's portfolio. In the application used, players can visit the houses of previous customers. Every designer puts his ideas into the design work. Once you encounter your favorite design project. Players can choose Buy ACNH Gold first. Then use bells to choose the right gift. Finally, take a gift to visit your favorite designer.
So far, the DLC of New Horizons is free, except for the optional Amiibos. Players can use Amiibo characters and cards to invite more important customers to visit the island. Animal Crossing Amiibo Card Series 5 will also be released together with DLC. In this big update of Animal Crossing, you can enjoy the new content brought by the game.
